Friday, September 14, 2012

Redford's PCs are not your father's PC Party...

In light of Premier Peter Lougheed's death, the father and grand statesman of the PC Party of Alberta, lest I remind all the current supporters and voters of the Redford PCs that they basically campaigned against that era...

From a photo I took of an ad in Vue Weekly magazine from this year's campaign and submitted to Sun News Network, who then ran with it...

The current PCs will NEVER be like my father's PC Party... you know, the one where Mr. Lougheed was leader and Premier of Alberta.


Unknown said...

It still boils my blood. I'll be an enemy to the PC Party to my last day.

Joe said...

Actually I can't see much difference between Peter & Alison. I lived through the heady days of Patro Lougheed and remember the disaster that followed his reign.

Very charismatic man. VERY poor premier.